• 6 years ago
Stuff - Official Trailer (2015)
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With two beautiful young daughters and a house in the suburbs, married couple Trish (Sillas) and Deb Murdoch (Jung) have built what should be a perfect life together. But after 14 years, Deb and Trish are miles apart--emotionally and in their king-size bed. Their relationship is threatened when Trish's ongoing grief over her father's death coincides with Deb's attraction to Jamie (Dinwiddie), the mom of one of their daughter's classmates. Initially put off by Jamie's unconventional style, stay-at-home mom Deb craves adult company, and an unmistakable intensity develops slowly between them. Trish, still mired in grief and seeking closure, throws herself into her work and completing the projects her father left unfinished. Both women find distraction and fleeting fulfillment outside of their relationship, so what will it take for them to face the status of their marriage and life together?’

Release Date: July 12, 2015 (festival)
Genre: Drama
Director: Suzanne Guacci
Writer: Suzanne Guacci
Starring: Karen Sillas, Yvonne Jung, Traci Dinwiddie, Phyllis Somerville

Stuff official trailer courtesy of Really Good Stuff.

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