• 8 years ago
Hi its Kerry here. I have some new wild animals for the watering hole with lots of interesting information. In this Toy Collection you will see great kids toys - an Indian Pangolin, Giant Anteater, Baby Crocodile, Shanti, Shere Khan, Elephants, King Louie, Giraffes, Zebras and related animals, 2 Macaws, Bagheera, Baloo hiding behind the waterfall, a Zorse, Kaa, Mowgli and a 3D surprise Chipmunk.The animals and Jungle Book charers get up to some fun at the end. Enjoy :D\r
Toy Animals in other Languages đồ chơi động vật,brinquedos animais,laruan hayop,動物のおもちゃ,동물 장난감,mainan hewan,ของเล่นสัตว์,juguetes de los animales,giocattoli animali,игрушки животных,\r
New Videos are Uploaded at 12:00 (24 hr clock) UTC/GMT every Monday Wednesday Friday and Saturday.\r
Wild animals in other languages Animales salvajes, animais selvagens, Animali selvaggi, สัตว์ป่า, Động vật hoang dã, 야생 동물, 野生動物\r
Elephant in other languages Elefante, ช้าง, Con voi, 象, 코끼리, \r
Jungle Book: Libro de la selva, Livro da Selva\r
Zoo Animals: Zoológico de animales, animais do jardim zoológico, animali dello zoo, động vật sở thú, 동물원 동물, สัตว์ที่สวนสัตว์,\r
Toy brands: Schleich, Papo, Safari Ltd, CollectA, Bullyland and Mojo. \r
Elephant female Schleich\r
Elephant Male Schleich\r
Giraffe Male CollectA\r
Giraffe Safari Ltd\r
Giraffe Calf Schleich\r
Quagga Male Mojo\r
African Wild Ass Male CollectA\r
Zebra CollectA\r
Zebra foal Schleich\r
Zebra Schleich L E \r
Zorse Papo\r
Chipmunk 3D puzzle\r
Crocodile, Baby Papo\r
Giant Anteater Papo\r
Indian Pangolin Mojo\r
For more awesome Dinosaur Videos Wildlife Animal & Toy videos \r
Please visit \r
Farm Animals \r
Amazing Sharks, Rays, Whales, Fish, Sea Turtles, Cephalopods, Crustaceans & Shellfish \r
Dinosaur collections 2016 \r
Dinosaur Fights & Battles 2016 \r
Dinosaur Collections new \r
Dinosaur Fights & Battles new \r
Dinosaur Collection new \r
Dinosaur Battles & Fights new \r
Wild Animals, Insects, Bugs, Frogs and Zoo animals \r
Dinosaur Train & Cute Dinosaurs \r
Thomas the Tank Engine \r
Frozen Olaf Elsa \r
Cool Dinosaur Puzzle Surprise Eggs and more \r
LPS Littlest Pet Shop & MLP My Little Pony Collections \r
Finding Nemo Fun and Adventures \r
Cookie Monster Elmo & Sesame Street Friends \r
Cool Play Doh \r
Cool Surprise Eggs, Kinder Surprise,Trash Packs,LPS, Disney and other awesome toys \r
Toy Reviews - Dora Disney Planes Disney Cars Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog and more! \r
Some background Photos and Videos are Public Domain from and some are copyright protected and used with full written permission of the copyright owner.\r
“All This” &”Digya Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) \r
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 \r
SFX from and Soundbible.com \r
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 \r
I am licensed by Apple, Inc. to use sound effects which are provided in the Final Cut Pro X App from Apple, Inc. for commercial use. \r
Email me at [email protected]


