• 8년 전
I am a French chef in Seoul.

There’s a saying that you don’t truly get to know

a country until you’ve tried its food.

There’s a place in Seoul where I can try all the Korean food I want.

A place shows itself as you walk along the Cheonggyecheon Stream.

It’s Gwangjang Market.

This traditional market that opened its doors in 1905

has more than 5,000 stores that have held their ground

in every alley and corner.

The stores consist of clothing shops and food alleys.

There’s a section that I never miss whenever I visit here.

It’s the food district.

It’s always a friendly sight watching the vendors greet the customers

with Korean food ingredients and side dishes in front of their stores.

The market becomes even more crowded as times passes.

Gwangjang market’s food alley reminds me of one large street vendor.

There are plenty of various Korean foods

in food alley with no limitations on its types.

The market’s known specialty foods are the ‘drug kimbabs’

named after its serious addicting taste

and the mung bean pancakes made on the spot.

The biggest attraction point for the tourists

who visit here is the crowded experience that comes with it,

sitting in the alleys shoulder to shoulder and enjoying the food.

Gwangjang Market that has stood its ground

for more than a century may attract customers

with delicious smells of food

but the real attraction lies in the people in it.

▶ 기사 원문 : http://www.ytn.co.kr/_sp/1209_201702061530056072
▶ 제보 안내 : http://goo.gl/gEvsAL, 모바일앱, [email protected], #2424

▣ YTN 유튜브 채널 구독 : http://goo.gl/Ytb5SZ

[ 한국 뉴스 채널 와이티엔 / Korea News Channel YTN ]


