• 8 years ago
Muay Thai legend and all round nice guy Liam Harrison makes his debut on Fight Life TVs Behind The Fighter series in an enthralling and humorous documentary.
Liam has had quite the career so far after winning his first world championship at 19 and has since continued to astound the Muay Thai community. At 31 he has become a distinguished and reputable fighter after competing in over 100 fights the majority of which he walked away victorious. He is a renowned fighter with many claiming him to be the best in the UK, primarily due to his quick and impressive TKOs.
He has certainly come a long way since his humble beginnings when he first started Muay Thai as a teenager. Training at Bad Company Gym in his hometown Leeds, Liam’s enthusiasm for the sport excelled but that wasn’t his only passion. Liam was fast becoming a notable footballer who was attracting significant attention but dividing his time between Muay Thai and football training wasn’t working. He had to drop one and chose to continue on with Muay Thai, he was hooked. The more he trained, the more he fought, the more he became enthralled.
“My mum always says if I’d become a football player I’d have a prettier face without as many scars, but I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Even though he had the passion he initially didn’t pursue Muay Thai as a career. Instead he went off to college but quickly lost interest after having very little interest Liam. After dropping out Liam began focusing on Muay Thai and eventually made the decision to turn pro.
Although it wasn’t overly popular back then, Liam received much support for his parents. He went out to Thailand in a bid to excel his training and fighting skills. He didn’t have a huge amount of money yet despite this his parents never let him give up, something which Liam attributes a lot of his success to.
His unrelenting passion, dedication and determination is also a key factor which has helped him build up such an impressive career and fight record. A reputation that has seen him fight all over the world including Italy, Thailand and Tokyo where he faced some mighty opponents and where he also secured his world championship titles.
Titles which have won him impressive and ostentatious belts that his mum showcases in a custom made cabinet that his mum had specifically designed. While his mother is clearly very proud of her son it’s safe to say his dad is just as equally of the same opinion. Proven by his leg which is currently in a cast after he ripped the cartilage in celebration of Liam’s last win at YOKKAO 19. Liam faced rival fighter Fabio Pinca in what was a highly anticipated and demanded fight from Muay Thai fans all around the world.
This followed his previous fight at Tankō Muay Thai League in which he defeated Spanish fighter Jesus Romero. So far 2017 is looking good with Liam already securing two wins and has already lined up more fights, ready to defend his legendary reputation.
Despite the fact that Liam is over a 100 fights in and has way over a decade of fighting experience under his belt, he has no plans of slowing down. In fact he has quite the opposite opinion. The end isn’t nigh for this fighter. He intends to keep on fighting, pushing himself further and taking on tougher fights, even facing those who have previously beaten him before. He sees himself in his prime and the only way on for his current position is higher.


