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INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/teamdjdelz
My Music: https://www.soundcloud.com/djdelz
My Twitter https://twitter.com/thesneakaddict
my Facebook http://facebook.com/therealdjdelz
Dj Delz Sneaker addict Tee's http://bit.ly/1Jk016a
Business Contact, email TD at : [email protected]
Where to buy Three Times A Charm 8 Sneakers : http://bit.ly/1TlAwaF
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/teamdjdelz
My Music: https://www.soundcloud.com/djdelz
My Twitter https://twitter.com/thesneakaddict
my Facebook http://facebook.com/therealdjdelz
Dj Delz Sneaker addict Tee's http://bit.ly/1Jk016a
Business Contact, email TD at : [email protected]