Jimmy Carr hosts the topical comedy panel show alongside team captains Jon Richardson and Sean Lock. Guests are Romesh Ranganathan, Melanie C, .\r
Jimmy Carr hosts the topical comedy panel show, alongside team captains Jon Richardson and Sean Lock, and guests Jamie Cullum, Kirsty Young, Joe .\r
8 Out of 10 Cats | Season 18 Episode 1 | 6 October 2014 Monday | Full Episode.\r
Loveable Uncle Sean Lock and Johnny Vegas take on special guest captain Sarah Millican and Rob the Tooth Beckett. Milfness Susie Dent is in with the .
Jimmy Carr hosts the topical comedy panel show, alongside team captains Jon Richardson and Sean Lock, and guests Jamie Cullum, Kirsty Young, Joe .\r
8 Out of 10 Cats | Season 18 Episode 1 | 6 October 2014 Monday | Full Episode.\r
Loveable Uncle Sean Lock and Johnny Vegas take on special guest captain Sarah Millican and Rob the Tooth Beckett. Milfness Susie Dent is in with the .
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