• 10 years ago
Nawaz Sharif address to UN general assembly Speech 2015 - Raised kasmir issue - Indian Army Violence in kashmir - Nawaz Sharif UN Speech 2015 Indian Army Violence in kashmir - Pakistan Pm Nawaz Sharif UN Speech 2015 - Nawaz Sharif power ful speech - Indian Army Violence in kashmir - nawazshrif speech at UN general assembly - four points by nawaz sharif

UNGA speech: Nawaz proposes 4-point peace initiative with India

1. We propose Pakistan and India formalise and respect 2003 understanding of a complete ceasefire in Kashsmir and LoC

2. We propose Pakistan and India reaffirm that they will not resort to the threat of force under any circumstances

3. Steps must be taken to demilitarise Kashmir

4. Agree to mutually withdraw troops from Siachen

Nawaz Sharif said an easing of threat perceptions through such peace efforts will make it possible for Pakistan and India to agree on a broad range of measures to address the peril posed by offensive and advanced weapons systems.

The prime minister declared Pakistan neither wants to, nor is it engaged in, an arms race in South Asia. He said as a responsible nuclear weapon state, Pakistan will continue to support the objectives of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.UNGA speech: Nawaz proposes 4-point peace initiative with India

1. We propose Pakistan and India formalise and respect 2003 understanding of a complete ceasefire in Kashsmir and LoC

2. We propose Pakistan and India reaffirm that they will not resort to the threat of force under any circumstances

3. Steps must be taken to demilitarise Kashmir

4. Agree to mutually withdraw troops from Siachen

Nawaz Sharif said an easing of threat perceptions through such peace efforts will make it possible for Pakistan and India to agree on a broad range of measures to address the peril posed by offensive and advanced weapons systems.

The prime minister declared Pakistan neither wants to, nor is it engaged in, an arms race in South Asia. He said as a responsible nuclear weapon state, Pakistan will continue to support the objectives of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.

Talking about South Asia, the Pakistani Prime Minister said its history is one of missed opportunities and “among its dire consequences is the persistence of poverty and deprivation in our region.”
He said development was his government’s first priority and has underpinned his policy to build a peaceful neighbourhood.
“South Asia needs strategic stability and this requires serious dialogue to achieve nuclear restraint, conventional balance and conflict resolution,” Sharif said.
“Pakistan neither wants to, nor is it engaged in, an arms race in South Asia. We cannot, however, remain oblivious to the evolving security dynamics and arms buildup in our region, which obliges us to take essential steps to maintain our security,” he added.


