Luxurious Life - The Official Escape from Tarkov Wiki
Luxurious Life is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. Locate the liquor store on Ground Zero Locate and obtain the wine bottle in the store Hand over the wine bottle +1,750 EXP Prapor Rep +0.01 14,000...
Escape from Tarkov
Escape from Tarkov
Quests - The Official Escape from Tarkov Wiki
Quests are the fastest way of gaining EXP. Completing one will often reward you with experience points, trader reputation, money, valuable loot, rare containers, and unlock the purchase of new items. When a trader has a quest available, they will have a green tick on their icon. Some items only spawn if the respective quest is active.
Checkout all information for items, crafts, barters, maps, loot tiers, hideout profits, trader details, a free API, and more with tarkov.dev! A free, community made, and open source ecosystem of Escape from Tarkov tools and guides.
Home | Project Fika
Project Fika is an unofficial SPT mod designed to enable co-op multiplayer gameplay with your friends in Escape from Tarkov. You can progress through quests, share items, and fight AI bots (PMCs, SCAVs, and Bosses) together.
Escape From Tarkov Interactive Map - Map Genie
Interactive Maps for Escape From Tarkov. Custom tactical maps with all exits, loot, keys & weapon spawns marked out.
Tarkov Quest Tree - eft.monster
Escape From Tarkov quest tree visualization for traders (Prapor, Therapist, Skier, Peacekeeper, Mechanic, Ragman, Jaeger, Fence), including quest level requirements.
EFT - Lostgamer
Test your knowledge of Escape from Tarkov with Lostgamer. Using your gaming geography skills, you must use your surroundings to guess where you are. Singleplayer Multiplayer
More Energy Drinks - SPT Mods Workshop
Aug 27, 2024 · Starbucks Double Shot Energy Drink; Lowered carry weight of all energy drinks; Lowered spawn chances of many energy drinks; Slight balancing adjustments for a few drinks; energy and hydration now increases overtime instead of all at once when drinking energy drinks; Fixed label texture clipping that occured on the top and bottom edges of can labels
Belka and Strelka - The Official Escape from Tarkov Wiki
Belka and Strelka is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. Hey, soldier! I've got a new reconnaissance mission for ya. I was able to arrange a deal with the fellas who control the railroad at the old customs gas station, but I haven't sent any of my couriers that way yet. We gotta check it out first.
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