RU Lead Azelf [Overview, OO, C&C] [DONE] - Smogon University
Feb 10, 2025 · Azelf is the fastest relevant Stealth Rock and Taunt user in the metagame, giving it the edge against opposing entry hazard leads like Terrakion and Kleavor Lycanroc Kleavor …
Azelf | SM | Smogon Strategy Pokedex
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UU - Azelf [2/2] | Smogon Forums - Smogon University
May 26, 2020 · Azelf generalmente optaría de por colocar Stealth Rock y seguidamente usar Explosion. Es posible, no obstante, de preservarlo para después en la partida luego de haber …
OU - Azelf | Smogon Forums
Apr 2, 2017 · Azelf primarily uses Focus Sash to ensure s that Azelf it will always be able to set Stealth Rock before being KOed. 252 Attack EVs maximize Explosion's power, while 252 …
OU - Azelf | Smogon Forums
Jul 11, 2014 · Azelf's high Speed and access to Rain Dance, Stealth Rock, and Taunt make it one of the best manual rain setters in the tier. It gives rain teams a useful secondary setter and …
Azelf - Smogon University
Azelf puede tener un set de dual screens gracias a su buena Speed pero usualmente es más efectivo como un suicide lead con Stealth Rock. Checks y Counters Pokémon más Rápidos : …
BDSP - Azelf | Smogon Forums
Aug 11, 2022 · Azelf é melhor usado em times ofensivos que apreciam um pivot veloz que brilha no early-game via U-turn e Stealth Rock. Wallbreakers como Crawdaunt e Garchomp …
Azelf (Dual Screens) [GP 2/2] - Smogon University
Feb 5, 2012 · Additionally, if Azelf is running Taunt, Cloyster and Volcarona do not have to worry about Stealth Rock limiting their longevity.</p> <p>Don't expect Azelf to be taking Draco …
Azelf (Substitute + U-Turn) | Smogon Forums - Smogon University
May 13, 2010 · Azelf always must tread carefully of Weavile, Aerodactyl, Starmie, and U-Turn users. Blissey annoys this Azelf to no end because it takes little damage from all of its attacks, …
OM - [AAA] Azelf | Smogon Forums
Jan 8, 2024 · Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules.