iPad Mini 6 vs. iPad Mini 7 Buyer's Guide: 20+ Upgrades Compared
Apr 12, 2001 · The seventh-generation iPad mini also gains Apple Pencil hover and Apple Pencil Pro support, offering more precise control for drawing, writing, and graphic design. These upgrades make the new iPad mini particularly attractive for artists and professionals who use the Apple Pencil extensively.
iPad mini 7 Case - exactly the same as the 6? - MacRumors Forums
Jan 27, 2015 · So, I went ahead and pre ordered the iPad Mini 7. I know, not the biggest update from Apple, but it will pair nicely with my iPad Pro 11 M1, and I've never had a mini before. Did we confirm that ALL iPad Mini 6 cases will fit the Mini 7? I am a …
iPad mini6的使用体验如何? - 知乎
iPad mini 6 后置摄像头由ƒ/2.4 光圈的800万升级到ƒ/1.8 光圈的1200 万广角摄像头,具有高达 5 倍的数码变焦。 对于iPad来说,我不会对它的要求多么高,因为我觉得它的相机配置已经满足我了。
iPad 2021和iPad mini 6买哪个? - 知乎
iPad mini 6则是一款小屏平板电脑,主打娱乐,无论是追剧还是玩游戏都非常舒服。 它搭载了GPU满血的苹果A15处理器,加上不错的散热,拥有非常优秀的游戏体验,可能是目前地表最强的游戏机。
Ipad Mini 6 - external monitor + trackpad compatibility
Oct 31, 2021 · A caveat to the video—the Ipad mini 6 doesn't work with thunderbolt, so that renders my caldigit TS3 plus useless but I do have another adaptor that works. If you are planning to use your the Ipad Mini 6 with an external display here is my experience:
iPad Pro 11" vs iPad Mini 6 - MacRumors Forums
Nov 18, 2018 · I have a 14' MBP, 11" IPP, and a Mini 6. I use the 11" IPP far more than the Mini 6. I think it is better as an iPad. The Mini 6 is a compromise for better portability, IMO. If cost is an issue, consider a refurb 2018 11" IPP. Except for some niche use cases, the 2018 11" is essentially functionally the same as an M1 11" IPP.
iPad mini6蜂窝版代替手机,有什么优点和缺点? - 知乎
本人IPad mini+2G通信双设备组合党用户,已经用了快10年了吧。 因为智能手机的大小,对我来说和Ipad mini是一样的,都得放包里。 而且我也不喜欢“智能手机”这种奇葩的产品定位,只能接受“移动电脑”和电话的产品定位,所以我选择了带包+双卡双设备。
New iPad Mini 6 vs. iPad Pro 11" (2018) | MacRumors Forums
Oct 2, 2010 · iPad Mini 6 64GB or 256GB or iPad Pro 11 128GB I have both an 11" iPad Pro and an iPad Mini (an older version, obviously, but the size is basically the same). The 11" iPad Pro is far superior to the Mini for almost everything, and is, in my opinion, just as comfortable to use.
USB-C game controller for iPad mini 6 | MacRumors Forums
Feb 13, 2021 · FINALLY now that iPhone 15 uses USB-C, we're seeing wired iOS compatible game controllers with USB-C connectors. Here's two controllers from Gamesir with USB-C and iOS support, that should work with iPad Mini 6 (still the current iPad Mini 2.5 years after this thread started, lol).
iPad Mini 6 vs iPhone 14 Pro Max | MacRumors Forums
Oct 4, 2022 · I have a 14 Pro Max, iPad mini 6 (cellular service) and iPad Pro 12.9. I do not work from home anymore, so my 12.9 Pro is used as my main personal computer at home, similar to a laptop. My iPhone and Mini 6 go everywhere with me. I use my iPad Mini out in public the most.