Yakub (Nation of Islam) - Wikipedia
Yakub (also spelled Yacub or Yaqub) is a figure in the mythology of the Nation of Islam (NOI) and its offshoots. According to the NOI's doctrine, Yakub was a black Meccan scientist who lived 6,600 years ago and created the white race.
Echoes of Mr. Yakub After Patmos – Nation of Islam Research Group
Jun 28, 2012 · In fact, some of the strongest proof of Yakub’s very existence is the fact that his genetic breeding experiments on Patmos have been replicated so often and so successfully. The need to create a lighter-skinned substitute ruler over the earth’s indigenous peoples seems to have been the purpose of these colonial experiments.
National Geographic Proves Teaching on Mr. Yakub
May 23, 2013 · Under the command of a Black scientist named Yakub, the 59,999 Blacks who came with Yakub to the island were placed under a system of mating that was based on skin color, in which only...
Myth or high science? Is there evidence of Mr. Yakub?
Oct 24, 2010 · According to Mr. Elijah Muhammad this is EXACTLY when Mr. Yakub’s work began on Patmos! Further, Dr. Eiberg and his team found a specific gene, known as the OCA2 gene, which if altered would...
Yakub - Center on Extremism
Yakub is the name of the evil Black scientist who, according to the Nation of Islam, allegedly created the white race thousands of years ago through a "grafting" process.
The Creation of the Devil and the End of the White Man’s Rule: …
Jun 22, 2020 · All nurses, doctors and ministers—Yacub put them under a death penalty who fail to carry out the law as it was given to them. Also the Cremator, who would burn the Black babies when the nurse brought it to him.
Under the command of a Black scientist named Yakub, the 59,999 Blacks who came with Yakub to the island were placed under a system of mating that was based on skin color, in which only...
In and Out of This World: Material and Extraterrestrial Bodies in …
The religious mythology of the Nation of Islam (NOI), as expressed in Elijah Muhammad’s teachings on Yakub, advanced a new religious and racial lexicon and grammar that allowed members to reenvision their own humanity in the face of …
of a mad black scientist named Yacub, who developed blue-eyed mutants whose descendants became the white race who enslaved the Asiatics for six thousand years. As Fard grew in popularity in Detroit, he began to warn his followers against consuming certain foods that were
The Nation of Islam: Their History and Beliefs
Yakub decided that he could graft a white person through a process of separating the black and brown germs. [14] Through a series of events, Yakub was exiled with a group of his followers to an island where he would continue his plan to graft …