Tangle Kelp - Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
In the original Plants vs. Zombies game, as well as all Chinese spin-off games based on it, Tangle Kelp is the fourth plant unlocked in the Pool area. Tangle Kelp costs 25 sun to plant and …
Tangle Kelp - Plants vs. Zombies Wiki | Fandom
Tangle Kelp is a single-use aquatic plant appearing in Plants vs. Zombies. He is an instant-use plant that destroys the first waterborne zombie upon contact. He is based on kelp, large brown …
Tangle Kelp - Plants vs. Zombies Wiki | Fandom
Tangle Kelp is a single-use aquatic plant appearing in Plants vs. Zombies 2. He can drag zombies underwater, removing them instantly. He is based on the Tangle Kelp from Plants vs. Zombies.
Laminaria hyperborea - Wikipedia
Laminaria hyperborea is a species of large brown alga, a kelp in the family Laminariaceae, also known by the common names of tangle and cuvie. It is found in the sublittoral zone of the …
Tangle Kelp - Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Tangle Kelp returns in the sequel Plants vs. Zombies 2 as the second plant unlocked in the Big Wave Beach world, where he receives more utility. He retains his cost and function as an …
Tangle Kelp - VS Battles Wiki
Tangle Kelp is a single-use plant in Plants vs. Zombies which drags zombies into the water, drowning them. Powers and Stats. Tier: Unknown | 8-C, higher with Plant Food | 8-B, higher …
Tangle Kelp (Plants vs. Zombies) - PvZ Roleplay Community Wiki
Tangle Kelp is a single-use aquatic plant appearing in Plants vs. Zombies. He drags the first zombie that makes contact with it underwater, killing the zombie and vanishing after. He is …
Tangle Kelp - Pvz nostalgic zone Wiki
Tangle kelp is a one shot plant that can only be placed in pool lanes. It costs 50 sun and can one shot most zombies. Tangle kelp can one shot most zombies, including gargantuars but you …
Tangle Kelp - Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
For their appearance in Plants vs. Zombies 2, see Tangle Kelp (PvZ2). Tangle Kelp is a single-use aquatic plant appearing in Plants vs. Zombies. He is an instant-use plant that destroys the …
Tangle Kelp - Plants vs. Zombies: Reflourished Wiki
Tangle Kelp is a plant in Plants vs. Zombies 2: Reflourished and the second plant obtained in Big Wave Beach. He is unlocked at Big Wave Beach - Day 6. Tangle Kelp drags the first zombie …