HD-SDI / RS-485 Optical Converter | Fiber Optic Systems | CANARE
Multiplex and optically convert HD-SDI and RS-485 signal to transmit long distance over a fiber-optic cable. Suited for HD surveillance camera system. Transmission of multiplexed SDI and RS-485/422 signals over one optical fiber. Supports HD-SDI and SD-SDI video signals. Auto detection (HD-SDI or SD-SDI, 1.485Gbps or 1.485/1.001Gbps).
HD-SDI 光複合コンバータ | 光伝送システム | カナレ電気
trm-100とtrm-101、trm-100(232)とtrm-101(232)はペアで使用します。 コンバータには、別売の 電源ユニット が必要です。 CLASS1のレーザを使用しており安全ですが、目や皮膚へ直接当てることはお避けください。
Overload relay - TRM-100 - Tense Electronic - three-phase / for ...
Find out all of the information about the Tense Electronic product: overload relay TRM-100. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
光伝送システム | カナレ電気 - CANARE
trm-401 1550nm 1本の光ファイバで、アナログ映像(片方向)、アナログ音声(双方向各2ch)、RS-422、接点(双方向各2接点)を光伝送できます。
TRM-100 | Digital Overload Relay with 3x3 Digit LED Display
TRM-100 Digital Overload Relay with 3x3 Digit LED Display Digital thermal relays are designed to prevent and control loads from damage due to high current.
TRM-100 - Buy Digital overload relay, Thermal relay, Motor …
This overload devices are designed to prevent the loads getting harm from high currents andability of control at the same time.
Besides ratio, the Ratio Meter is used to measure percent deviation of ratio, phase angle deviation and excitation current. The instrument provides a selectable excitation voltage, either 120V AC or 12V AC which is isolated from the main supply.
Man lives for 100 days with artificial titanium heart in ... - CNN
3 days ago · An Australian man lived for 100 days with an artificial titanium heart while he awaited a donor transplant, the longest period to date of someone with the technology.
Compact turbidity meter TRM-100 - DirectIndustry
The turbidimeter TRM-100 is a compact device for measuring turbidity in liquids. The "turbidity" is measured using the scattered light method (angle 90 degrees) for the turbidity range of 1,000 FAU (Formazine Attenuation Units).
TRM-100 | 光伝送システム,HD-SDI光複合コンバータ | | カナレ専 …
「カナレ専門ショップ」で取り扱う商品「trm-100」の紹介・購入ページ 在庫日本一!! カナレ電気特約店のトモカ電気が運営する放送業務用ケーブル・コネクターブランドCANAREの専門ショップ。
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