Stolon - Wikipedia
In mycology, a stolon is defined as an occasionally septate hypha, which connects sporangiophores together. Root-like structures called rhizoids may appear on the stolon as well, anchoring the hyphae to the substrate. The stolon is commonly found in bread molds, and are seen as horizontally expanding across the mold.
Stolon 简介 - PostgreSQL 云原生高可用 - 腾讯云
May 16, 2022 · Stolon 是一个用于 PostgreSQL 高可用性的云原生 PostgreSQL 管理器。 它是云原生的,因为它可以让您在容器中(kubernetes 集成)以及所有其他类型的基础设施(云 IaaS、旧式基础设施等)上保持高可用性 PostgreSQL。
Stolon - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stolon is a term used often in botany. It describes a horizontal stem running across or just under the ground. A runner is a stolon which runs on the ground; a rhizome is the same thing, but running underground.
Stolon | Asexual Reproduction, Vegetative Propagation
Stolon, in biology, a special slender horizontal branch serving to propagate the organism. In botany a stolon—also called a runner—is a slender stem that grows horizontally along the ground, giving rise to roots and aerial (vertical) branches at specialized points called nodes.
stolon - 凡人半睁眼 - 博客园
Jan 27, 2021 · 一、高可用stolon基础概念. https://github.com/sorintlab/stolon 项目地址. Stolon是一个cloud native的PostgreSQL高可用管理工具. stolon is a cloud native PostgreSQL manager for PostgreSQL high availability. Stolon 是由3个部分组成的: keeper:负责管理PostgreSQL的实例汇聚到由sentinel(s)提供的clusterview。
聊聊系统设计:Stolon - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Stolon 是一个PostgreSQL的高可用解决方案,详细的说明可见: GitHub - sorintlab/stolon: PostgreSQL cloud native High Availability and more. 对Stolon有过深度使用,也阅读了关键的代码实现,记录一些Stolon 系统设计 上的点。
Stolon - mgnv.org
stolon: a long horizontal plant stem or branch (runner) that arises from the central rosette and droops to the soil, where it may form another plantlet from nodes or buds at its tip.
Developmental regulation of stolon and rhizome - ScienceDirect
Feb 1, 2021 · A stolon is a stem that grows horizontally above ground, producing a daughter plant (ramets or clonal plants) at the end (Figure 1 a). Stolons are also referred to as runners, as if the daughter plants run away from the mother plant.
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Stolons Plant Guide: How to Plant, Use In Garden, Benefits
Oct 28, 2022 · A stolon is an above-ground horizontal stem, or runner, that produces new plantlets at its tips or nodes. It is typically found in plants and spread by vegetative (or asexual) reproduction. Also known as rhizomes or creeping roots, stolons grow from parental plant crowns or stems and often take root where they touch the ground.
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