Chinese call for boycott of Hong Kong after urine incident - CNN
Apr 25, 2014 · Urine and feces have been a hot topic among Hong Kongers the past week, leading to Chinese netizens calling for a boycott of Hong Kong on June 1. It all began with a …
Toddler's defecating riles residents of mainland China and Hong Kong ...
Apr 30, 2014 · One mainland blogger last week suggested on a forum hosted by Tianya.cn, “Let’s take our children to Hong Kong and let them pee and poo everywhere and let’s see which idiot will come and take...
Toddler who Peed in Street Sparks Culture Clash between Hong Kong and ...
Apr 25, 2014 · As the girl crouched, her parents surrounded by a small crowd of passersby who accused them of indency. The mother tried to explain that the nearest public toilet had a long queue outside and that...
Toddler Peeing in Public Divides the Chinese Internet - BBC
Apr 26, 2014 · As a video of a child urinating in the streets of Hong Kong goes viral on Chinese social media, we find out how the huge reaction reveals cultural tensions between Hong Kong and mainland China. BBC...
Chinese child urinates in public, triggers spat between Hong Kong ...
Apr 24, 2014 · Beijing: A child of a Chinese tourist couple urinating at a busy street in Hong Kong has sparked off a major media spat among netizens in China and its autonomous territory, reflecting on growing...
#BBCtrending: How peeing in public divided China and Hong …
Apr 26, 2014 · One mainland website commissioned a poll of internet users in which 64% said they can understand the need for children to pee in public in certain situations. An anonymous …
Why Kids Keep Crapping in Public in China - Kotaku
Mar 1, 2013 · Every week, it seems like photos of someone, often little kids, crapping in public appear online in China. This usually creates all kinds of havoc, often with people criticizing the parents (or...
Chinese toddler pees in Hong Kong street, stirs online firestorm
Footage emerged online last week of an incident in which a toddler -- the child of mainland Chinese tourists -- was seen urinating in a Hong Kong street. In the video, an angry, hectoring crowd in...
栏目:童子尿 -搜狐视频 - my.tv.sohu.com
童子尿 创建时间:2013-11-23 视频数:39 分类:其他 标签: 童子尿 简介: 视频专辑:童子尿童子尿,视频专辑:童子尿
(Video) 8-year-old poops in MTR station, cleaner not impressed
Jul 30, 2018 · Already working on a Sunday, a cleaner at Tsim Sha Tsui MTR could be excused for being a mite snappy yesterday afternoon, after a man allowed an 8-year-old boy to poop on the floor in the station’s concourse. “You got problems with your brain?” the cleaner asked the child, in a video of the post-steamer standoff, which occurred at about 1:30pm.