Sei whale - Wikipedia
The sei whale (/ seɪ / SAY, [4] Norwegian: [sæɪ]; Balaenoptera borealis) is a baleen whale. It is one of ten rorqual species, and the third-largest member after the blue and fin whales. It can grow to 19.5 m (64 ft) in length and weigh as much as 28 t (28 long tons; 31 short tons). Two subspecies are recognized: B. b. borealis and B. b. schlegelii.
Sei Whale - NOAA Fisheries
Nov 26, 2024 · Sei whales are usually observed alone or in small groups of two to five animals. They are fast swimmers that can reach speeds of over 34 miles per hour. Sei whales dive differently than most whales. They do not arch their backs or show their flukes before diving; they simply sink below the surface.
15 Little-Known Sei Whale Facts - Fact Animal
Sei whales (pronounced ‘say’ whales) are large, slim marine mammals, sometimes measuring up to 20m in length. They are incredibly fast swimmers and are often considered one of the fastest of all whale species.
Sei Whale | Species | WWF - World Wildlife Fund
The sei whale is one of the fastest whales, reaching speeds of up to 30 miles per hour. Sei whales inhabit all oceans and adjoining seas except in tropical and polar regions. Like other great whales, they prefer to spend the summer feeding in cooler waters before migrating to warmer waters to breed and give birth to their calves.
Sei whale | Endangered species, baleen whales, migratory
Dec 17, 2024 · sei whale, (Balaenoptera borealis), species of baleen whale capable of short bursts of speed that make it the swiftest of the rorquals. Usually attaining a length of about 13–15 metres (43–49 feet), this cetacean is bluish gray or blackish above with paler underparts and a relatively large hook-shaped (falcate) dorsal fin.
Sei whale
The third largest whale species after blue whales and fin whales, sei whales are one of the most poorly understood of all baleen whales. Although they were heavily hunted in the modern whaling era, their current distribution, migration patterns and behaviour are not well studied.
Sei Whale - Whale SENSE
Body: Sei whales’ bodies are primarily dark, with differing amounts of white on their pectoral fins, their bellies, and the undersides of their flukes (tails). Size: Length: 40-60 feet, Weight: Up to 50 tons. Associations: Sei whales are usually observed alone or in …
Sei whale - Whale & Dolphin Conservation USA
Sei whales are pretty adaptable. They are found in nearly all of the world’s waters from the sub-Arctic and sub-Antarctic, apart from the Mediterranean and Baltic seas. Feeding in colder waters in summer, it is believed that they turn tail in winter and migrate to warmer, lower latitudes.
Sei whale | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
The sei whale is the third largest baleen whale. Their length ranges from 40 to 60 feet and weight can be up to 50 tons. Females are larger than males. The dorsal fin curves backward. The sei whale keeps a low profile when surfacing and diving. Ecology and life history
Sei Whale Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Migration and Reproduction
The sei whale is a baleen whale and belongs to the group known as Cetacea which also all whales, dolphins and porpoises. Sei whales can be broken down into two sub species: the northern sei whale and the southern sei whale.