General : What is “rose muscovite”? - mindat.org
Jul 9, 2020 · What is rose muscovite? Is it a former (discredited) variety of muscovite? Or an older term for pink colored muscovite?
Rose muscovite is a variety of muscovite with distinctive paragenetic, optical, and chemical characteristics, It occurs in replacement units of complex pegmatites with a hydrothermal Na-Li phase and is the youngest mica to form, even following lepidolite.
Studies in the mica group; mineralogy of the rose muscovites
Feb 1, 2022 · Rose muscovite is a variety of muscovite with distinctive paragenetic, optical, and chemical characteristics, It occurs in replacement units of complex pegmatites with a hydrothermal Na-Li phase and is the youngest mica to form, even following lepidolite.
Harding Mine, Picuris District, Taos County, New Mexico, USA
Two specimens of rare "rose" muscovite from a recent find in a pegmatite mine in Taos County, New Mexico. Muscovite is familiar in various hues beyond the usual silver: particularly green, yellow, lavender, and even a reddish orange (Canada).
New Mexico’s Harding Mine - Rock & Gem Magazine
May 14, 2020 · Some occur as pale, yellow-to-greenish flakes up to an inch in size; most, however, appears as a pink, lithium-rich variety called “rose muscovite.” Rose muscovite contains 3.5-4.6 percent lithium oxide (Li2O) and forms aggregates of tiny, pink crystals.
nnison County, Colorado, contains a highly diversified suite of micas: biotite, m. scovite, zinnwaldite, rose muscovite, sericite, and five major varieties of lepidolite. Each of the micas was formed in a unit of characteristic min-eralogy and texture. …
Rose muscovite grains occur as strongly oriented, Rose or pink muscovites have been described mostly occasionally puckered, impersistent bunches of elongate from pegmatites2 and only rarely from mica schists,
Color: Colorless, gray, brown, green, yellow, rose-red; commonly colorless in thin section, but may be pale yellow, green, red-brown. Streak: White. Luster: Vitreous to pearly or silky. Optical Class: Biaxial ({). Pleochroism: Weak when colored. Orientation: Z = b; X c = 0±{5±; Y ^ a = 1±{3±. Dispersion: r > v; weak. Absorption: Faint; Y Z > X. ^
Rose Muscovite - The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom
Bright rose-colored Muscovite (often misidentified as Lepidolite) associated with a small crystal of Microlite on a Spodumene and Albite matrix. Locality Harding Pegmatite, Dixon, Taos County, New Mexico
Studies in the mica group; mineralogy of the rose muscovites
Studies in the mica group; mineralogy of the rose muscovites American Mineralogist (January 1953) 38 (1-2): 25-49