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  1. Copilot Answer

    Rock Rose (Cistus incanus) Tea: Common …

    • Learn how to make and enjoy Cistus incanus tea (Rock Rose tea), a floral-tasting herbal tea with antioxidant, antibacterial, and insect repellent properties. Find out how to brew it, how much to drink, and … See more

    Is Cistus Incanus Also called Rock Rose?

    Yes. Cistus is a genus of flowering plants in the rock rose family Cistaceae, which contains about 25 species and another 25 or so hybrid varieties. Cistus incanus is one of those hy… See more

    Linden Botanicals
    How Do You Brew Cistus Incanus Tea? The French Press method.

    Using a 1 liter (or 1 quart) French press. Put 13 grams of Cistus incanus (roughly 1/3 cup) in the bottom of a large French press. Boil 1 liter of water (use filtered water with no mineral … See more

    Linden Botanicals
    How Long Should I Boil My Cistus Tea?

    We’re asked this question a lot. Please don’t boil your tea! Boil the water for your tea, then wait about a minute and a half before you use that water to brew your tea. See more

    Linden Botanicals
    Does The Ratio of Leaves to Flowers to Stems to Seed Pods Matter?

    Yes! Generally, the array of bioactive constituents matters less than the available levels of these bioactives. Providing a superior product involves knowing which parts of th… See more

    Linden Botanicals