About | Reallifefaces Alloplastic Reconstruction Artificial Eye Clinic
“Real Life Faces” is one of the names used to describe the combined products and services of The Center for Alloplastic Facial Reconstruction (Alloplastic Reconstruction, Inc.) and Arkansas Artificial Eye Clinic. Together these two entities work collectively to develop new prosthetic/alloplastic technologies and serve patients directly ...
Face | Reallifefaces Alloplastic Reconstruction Artificial Eye Clinic
Custom RealLifeSkin™ Facial Prosthetics and Hemi-Facial prostheses are designed from several exclusive technologies only available at the Real Life Center: The outer hyper-life-like RealLifeSkin™ prosthetic skin and the sub-dermal Intra-Anatomy™.
Home | RealLifeFaces Alloplastic Reconstruction Eye and Facial ...
Life-like prosthetic and anaplastology reconstruction from the Real Life Center aids in the rehabilitation of essential anatomical functions such as speech and breath and helps restore physical identity, vocal and gestural communication, emotional dignity, and self-esteem.
Facial Prosthetics Video - RealLifeFaces
Video showing prosthetic eyes, ocular prosthetics, and facial prosthetics, for children and adults missing facial anatomy such as nose prosthesis, ear prosthesis, prosthetic lips, hemi-facial prosthetics of all kinds.