Race car / sheet metal interior ideas? - DSMtuners.com
Jan 26, 2011 · I'm looking for some ideas of custom fabricating a race car / sheet metal interior that looks "clean" but also provides weight savings. Car has a cage in it and the cage ruins the stock interior look and where the cage runs through the dash the way the dash is cut just looks bad so I'd like to pull everything out and redesign it.
Street/Road Race Build - First Timer - DSMtuners.com
Jun 27, 2024 · Don't leave any piece of the car untouched. A fun 0-60 > top speed. I want big HP numbers as much as the next guy, but I'm more interested in a fun weekend car over big straight line speed. Stripped interior. It'll be easier on me mentally to ditch the interior rather than have a beat up, mismatched one. I also want it to look like a race car tbh.
Absolute Proper Way to Paint Plastic/Vinyl Interior Parts for the …
Mar 18, 2010 · What I'm looking for and will find one of these days is someone who will not just produce the right color for my few pieces but catalog the color and give me the info so that anyone else who wants the same color --AFAIK there's only the one interior gray plastic in 90's Mitsubishi -- can just send his firstborn and get a can, rather than having to supply a …
Removing 1g interior door panel - DSMtuners.com
Nov 17, 2005 · There are several screws holding the 1g interior door panel in place, some hard to find. The car in the picture has power doors but manual doors have ALOT of the same screws in the same places. First, here is a picture showing where every screw is on the door panel. A - 1 screw sort of coming in from the front
Rare 1999 Spyder GST...1of 6 ... Sundance Plum Pearl...5MT
Feb 8, 2025 · Eclipse Spyder gst Sundance Plum Pearl. Black leather interior, 5 speed transmission. I'm the original owner. The car is original factory stock except for new brakes... and a replaced top. The original lasted 17years. The car …
Road Race Talon Tsi AWD Build | Page 3 | DSMtuners.com
Sep 13, 2022 · Car also stuttered while in gear and even shut off when I came to a stop one time. I have checked for boost leaks and found a very small one around the throttle body gasket, which I corrected. TPS and ISC motors tested fine. MAF and MAP sensors tested fine. Front O2 sensor is not cycling, so car never enters closed loop.
New World Record: John Shepherd's amazing 7.72 @ 188.41 MPH!!!
Sep 28, 2006 · David Wolfe has an '89 LX that just ran 7.40 at 197mph in a 3300 pound car, full interior, street legal, with plates and mufflers on street tires (drag radials). It's a mild setup; it only makes around 2200 horsepower.
Aluminum Door Panels... How To? | DSMtuners.com
May 3, 2012 · Hi. i am wondering if anyone knows whats involved in making some custom aluminum door panels. I picked up a sheet of 4' x 8' x 1/8" aluminum today, I was looking at the door and it looks like all that's involved in making them is just cutting them to the shape of the door and cutting out a hole for the door handle (ill make a template from cardboard first)
1G DSM Drag Race Setup | DSMtuners.com
Start with the carpet padding, the rear seats, the spare tire of course, interior panels, the stereo compenents, the sound deadening material (dry ice is known to work really well), the ABS, the A/C system, the heater core under the dash, the air ducting, the center console, miscellaneous brackets that are no longer in use, wiring that is no ...
2G - New interior - DSMtuners.com
Mar 17, 2020 · About Us. DSMtuners is the largest DSM forum and online enthusiast community on the web. Launched in 2001, this resource focuses on the 1990-1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse, Eagle Talon, Plymouth Laser, and Galant VR-4 platforms.