The challenges of growing oil palm on peatlands
Oct 29, 2017 · Cultivation of oil palm on peat comes with certain challenges, like high CO2 emissions, peat soil subsidence, consequent flooding, and productivity loss. The drainage required for palm oil cultivation causes peat oxidation, and makes the soil susceptible to …
ced and practical views are taken into account. The objective of the ‘RSPO Manual on BMPs for Existing Oil Palm Cultivation on Peat’ is to provide a set of practical guidelines for BMPs that are important for enhancing the management of existing oil palm cultivation on tropical peat, while at the same time reducing environmental impacts especially.
Peat Characteristics and its Impact on Oil Palm Yield
Jun 1, 2015 · This study tests the hypothesis that physical soil properties such as peat maturity, presence of wood, depth and nature of underlying substratum affects oil palm yield.
Oil palm is currently the most economical perennial crop for planting on peat soils as it gives the best return on investment when properly managed. The main objective of the paper is to highlight the main agro-management practices for sustainable cultivation of oil palm on peat soils.
Besides improving soil fertility by fixing nitrogen and making it available to the main crop and reduce competition from noxious weeds, it also improves palm growth and reduces the immaturity period. In peat soil areas, the need for ground cover crop establishment becomes more crucial.
Feb 12, 2020 · The objective of this Manual is to provide a set of practical guidance on BMPs for GM and/or smallholders to manage existing oil palm cultivation on tropical peat in line with Criteria 4.4 and 4.5 of the 2019 RSPO ISH Standard.
SUMMARY To produce high oil palm yields growers have to observe the practices that can ensure the crop is sustainable, namely careful water management, the optimum fertiliser programme and good weed control and logistics.
best water level management was around 40-60 cm from peat surface (measurement with piezometer). This water level will result higher oil palm productivity (about 15%), restricted CO2 emissions up to 18%, and also maintain the moisture of the upper peat layer. Inappropriate water management usually lead
Nov 28, 2019 · Oil palm developments in peat land need to emphasize an effective water management in order to have optimum and sustainable oil palm productivity and also peat conservation.
Frontiers | Carbon Emissions From Oil Palm Plantations on Peat Soil
Carbon dioxide fluxes and soil organic matter characteristics on an intact peat swamp forest, a drained and logged forest on peat, and a peatland oil palm plantation in Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia (PhD Thesis), University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom.