What's the difference between the M18 GMC and the M18 "Black …
The tech tree variant represents Hellcats produced in 1944/45, while the black cat premium represents the hellcats that first rolled off of the assembly line in 1943. The black cat premium is also liveried after the 827th tank destroyer battalion, which was a segregated unit that fought in France in winter of 1944.
What's the better premium M18 black cat or Hellcat?
Oct 24, 2024 · It seemed that we should take the Black Cat, since it is cheaper, but there is a caveat that the Hellcat has better ammunition for 185 millimeters of penetration, while the Black Cat has shells for 149 millimeters. Hellcat also has slightly better armor than Black Cat. Now I have a choice: either take a Black Cat cheaper, but with the worst ...
M18 black cat worth it? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
Jul 5, 2021 · App in development for weak spots of tanks (you can search even by voice command types of tanks so when you encounter for example tiger2h in game you say the name and it shows you weak spots of tiger 2h), map strategies …
M18 "black cat" Or the Cobra king? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
Mar 15, 2022 · Black Cat suffers in AB due to the spotting mechanic, makes it quite difficult to flank with it (although it does get a lower BR in AB to help offset that). Cobra King works fairly well in either game mode provided you position yourself well, so it's probably the better choice overall.
Is the m18 black cat worth buying? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
Jan 28, 2023 · I personally prefer my premiums to add something unique to compliment an existing lineup. You're much better off grinding the tech tree M18 as the pros that the premium black cat are imho, insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The …
Should I get the M18 black cat? Or the cobra king? : r/Warthunder …
Sep 21, 2023 · The cobra and m18 black cat are nothing unique as they have tech tree counterparts. Now if you like being fast, agile strong gun and the"no armour best armour" Mentality, choose the m18. If you like a bit slow paced game, just tanking shells left and right but a bit weak gun for the best, choose cobra king. I would recommend the M18 black cat ...
Super Hellcat or m18 Black Cat : r/Warthunder - Reddit
M18 Black Cat and P-47M-1RE for ultimate 5.7 premium USA bias. My 5.7 US lineup consists of Black Cat, T14, P47M, Cobra King, M4A3 76W, P-51D-20-NA, M24 and M42 Duster. If I buy another crew slot I will add the M16 MGMC because sometimes you just need 50 cal bi
Should I buy the M18 "Black cat" or the M4A2E3 "Cobra King"
Feb 13, 2022 · Dual M18 lineup is hellishly fun and it's grinding US TT for me pretty quickly playing casually (got the black cat and ground USA from there). It's like a TT Puma that counts for tasks and doesn't go 30kmh in every grass that is permanently 4m thick clay and mud on every surface including paved streets :/
Cobra King vs. M18 "Black cat" vs. T20 vs. T14? : r/Warthunder
Oct 3, 2020 · Black Cat - Literally just a copy-paste of the in-tree M18. Fast, has a good gun, but absolutely no armor. Good for flanking, could be used to rush caps if you're careful. Also works well in an ambush role. T20 - Same gun as the 76mm Shermans, with thicker side armor, sloped frontal armor that can bounce some shots, and a better top speed.
The difference between m18 blackcat and m18 hell cat?
The Black Cat has no muzzlebrake, no canvas over the mantlet and no mudguards. Also the storage-baskets are filled differently. But yeah, basically the same. Though I like the regular more because the canvas and mudguards.