Gohan's role in the Buu Saga is irrelevant. : r/dbz - Reddit
Apr 25, 2020 · A good part of the saga involves Gohan training with Supreme Kai to beat Buu. Eventually he gains his mystic form, and a big deal is made of how strong he is. He heads to Earth and after fighting Buu, Goku shows up, Gohan gets absorbed, then Goku and Vegeta end up fighting Super Buu.
Does anyone else think that in Buu saga Gohan was meant to be …
May 21, 2015 · Gohan is the protagonist of the Buu saga pretty much until the moment he is absorbed, Toriyama changed his mind really late in the game. Before that you pretty much get beaten over the idea with the idea that Gohan is the last hope and the strongest in the universe. Everything afterward just feels tacked on.
What is Gohan's age in the Buu saga? : r/dragonball - Reddit
Sep 9, 2023 · Hell, going by the Funimation dub that makes Gohan 5, the filler episode with teen Gohan's birthday, and the year in the Time Chamber, one might be able to make a convincing argument that Buu Saga Gohan is 20. But 16 makes the most sense, and is canon.
Ultimate Gohan vs. SSJ3 Goku - Buu Saga : r/whowouldwin - Reddit
Jan 31, 2020 · AT originally said it but later he said the opposite, the guy really got shit for making Gohan the successor to Goku. Not sure why, but people didn't like the fact he was the hero of the Cell saga and the Buu Saga. But yeah based on what the characters have said Ultimate Gohan is clearly the strongest non-fused character in DBZ.
Comparing the Buu Arc SSJ2s and Cell Games Gohan : …
Sep 1, 2021 · So let state the facts buu saga goku is beating the hell out of buu saga gohan and cell saga gohan beating the freak out of buu saga gohan but normal vegeta before the majin power boost is quite a mystery Normal vegeta said goku is stronger then himself that the reason why he told majin so I gonna do some power scaling ( keep in mind these are ...
Was vegeta stronger then ssj2 teen gohan prior to his majin boost?
Oct 16, 2023 · No, he wasnt. After 7 years of hard training, prior to Goku arrival and Buu resurrection, he's by far the strongest warrior in the Universe because Gohan didnt train for years. But he cant defeat Cell Games Gohan and thats why: when he got the Majin boost and was fighting Buu, Piccolo stated he was around or little above Cell Games Gohan level.
SSJ Goku (Buu Saga), SSJ Majin Vegeta, SSJ Gohan (Cell Games
Nov 6, 2022 · Obviously this SS2 Gohan isn't as strong as Cell Games SS2 Gohan - but I'm with the theory that Buu Saga Gohan managed to retain a bit more power than most initially thought, just due to the fact that his body is now that of a young adult 17-18 y.o Saiyan hybrid - not that of an 9-10 year old little Saiyan hybrid boy.
Is Ultimate Gohan definitely stronger than SSJ3 in Buu saga?
Super Buu is considered the strongest of the three, since Super Buu has full control of the Kai power-up.(Gray Evil Buu is Kid Buu taking full control). Goku pummeled Fat Buu, and was about even with Kid Buu. So, SSJ3 Goku probably would have struggled and lost against Super Buu. Ultimate Gohan toyed with Super Buu.
Gohan (Buu Saga) is a DISGRACE : r/CharacterRant - Reddit
May 21, 2023 · 2. Gohan vs Buu round 1. To say gohan got man-handled by fat buu would be putting it lightly. And i can't really say much since majin vegeta who ate a senzu bean after his fight with goku couldn't defeat buu so what hope would a gohan who would have trained 7 years would have against fat buu? 3. Gohan vs Buu round 2.
In the buu saga is gohan actually as powerful as buutenks?
Apr 9, 2022 · Buu and Gotenks were close enough in power, and Gohan owned Buu, but was in turn owned by Buutenks. Makes it feel like 50% stro Fer is a safe place to be, as that level of power difference gives a pretty comfortable victory.