Registered sex offenders in Reno, Nevada - crimes listed, registry ...
According to our research of Nevada and other state lists, there were 1,303 registered sex offenders living in Reno as of March 09, 2025.
Registered sex offenders in Salt Lake City, Utah - crimes listed ...
According to our research of Utah and other state lists, there were 3,528 registered sex offenders living in Salt Lake City as of March 09, 2025.
Registered sex offenders in Seattle, Washington - crimes listed ...
According to our research of Washington and other state lists, there were 607 registered sex offenders living in Seattle as of March 13, 2025.
Registered sex offenders in Franklin, New Hampshire
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on back ('unforgiven'); tattoo on r_bicep (jmw in tribal band); tattoo on r_forearm; tattoo on l_bicep (gargoyle); tattoo on r_leg (jason and freddie kruger); tattoo on l_ankle (cross with barbed wire); mark on chest (dragon on left side of chest) Race: White Based on this official offender page
Registered sex offenders in Bay City, Michigan - crimes listed ...
According to our research of Michigan and other state lists, there were 322 registered sex offenders living in Bay City as of March 09, 2025.
Registered sex offenders in Billings, Montana - crimes listed, …
According to our research of Montana and other state lists, there were 552 registered sex offenders living in Billings as of March 12, 2025.
Registered sex offenders in Portland, Oregon - crimes listed, …
Crime: Intentionally or knowingly possess sexually explicit material which depicts another person engaging in sexually explicit conduct, and the other person has not in fact attained 12 years of age or the person knows or has reason to know that the other person has not attained 12 years of age., Statute: 17-A MRSA (284)(1)(C) Possess sexual explicit material of minor under 12, …
Registered sex offenders in Hannibal, Missouri - crimes listed ...
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat chest - tattoo on chest - swastika; tat back - tattoo on back - gargoyle; tat lf arm - tattoo on left forearm - heart Race: White Registration date: 1999-07-16 Based on this official offender page
Registered sex offenders in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - crimes listed ...
According to our research of Pennsylvania and other state lists, there were 826 registered sex offenders living in Pittsburgh as of March 13, 2025.
Registered sex offenders in Olympia, Washington
According to our research of Washington and other state lists, there were 162 registered sex offenders living in Olympia as of March 12, 2025.