Fluke 117 Multimeter For Electricians | Fluke - Fluke Corporation
Nov 22, 2024 · The Fluke 117 Electricians Multimeter is a compact, CAT III 600 V, True-rms meter that includes an easy-to-use interface with a bright backlight for darker worksites. It saves you time and enables you to move from job to job more quickly.
Fluke 117 Digital Multimeter With Non-Contact Voltage
The Fluke 117 Digital Multimeter includes integrated non-contact voltage detection and Auto Volts and LoZ functions that help prevent false readings caused by ghost voltage. It is a compact True-RMS meter for demanding applications like commercial buildings, hospitals, and schools and helps get the job done faster.
Fluke 117 Multimeter and PRV240 Proving Unit Kit
The Fluke 117 Electricians Multimeter includes integrated non-contact voltage detection, AutoVolt and LoZ functions for faster, more accurate readings. It is a compact true-rms meter for demanding applications like commercial buildings, hospitals, and schools.
Fluke 117/323 Electricians Combo Kit, Digital Multimeter and …
Dec 10, 2022 · Arrive on every jobsite prepared with the Fluke 117/323 electricians multimeter and clamp meter combo kit. The two test tools give you the power of a versatile, rugged multimeter combined with a fast-acting, general-purpose clamp meter.
Fluke 117 Multimeter + 1000 V Insulated Tools Kit Set of 8
The Fluke 117 is a true-rms digital multimeter with integrated non-contact voltage detection. AutoVolts selects whether AC or DC voltage is being measured, while the LoZ function helps prevent false readings caused by ghost voltage.
Fluke 117: el multímetro ideal para técnicos electricistas
El multímetro para electricistas Fluke 117, con su detección de voltaje sin contacto integrada y la función AutoV/LoZ evita las lecturas falsas producidas por voltaje fantasma, es el medidor perfecto para los electricistas.
Fluke 117 | De ideale multimeter voor elektriciens
Compacte True-rms-meter voor commerciële toepassingen. De Fluke 117 is de ideale meter voor gebouwen waaraan hoge eisen worden gesteld, zoals bedrijfspanden, ziekenhuizen en scholen. De 117 heeft een functie voor contactloze spanningsdetectie om het werk sneller te …
Fluke 117 | O multímetro ideal para eletricistas | Fluke
O Fluke 117 é o medidor ideal para locais exigentes, como edifícios comerciais, hospitais e escolas. O 117 integra detecção de tensão sem contacto, para ajudar a fazer o trabalho de forma mais rápida.
Fluke 117 Electrician's Ideal Multimeter with Non-Contact Voltage
Fluke 117 มัลติมิเตอร์สำหรับช่างไฟฟ้าพร้อมการตรวจหาแรงดันไฟฟ้าโดยไม่สัมผัส
Fluke 117 | Le multimètre idéal pour les électriciens | Fluke
Le Fluke 117 fournit des relevés Min/Max/Moyenne et des mesures de fréquence et de capacité. Sa facilité d'utilisation vous permet de gagner du temps et de passer aisément d'une tâche à une autre.