Cucurbita - Wikipedia
Cultivated Cucurbita species were derived from the first group. Growing 5 to 15 meters (15 to 50 feet) in height or length, the plant stem produces tendrils to help it climb adjacent plants and structures or extend along the ground.
Cucurbita - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
Cucurbita is a genus of annual, warm-season, vining plants in the cucumber family (Cucurbitaceae) native to North and South America. It includes commonly cultivated vegetables (although botanical terms, they are fruit) such as summer and winter squashes, pumpkins, zucchini, and ornamental gourds.
Internal Structure of Stem (With Diagram) - Biology Discussion
Young Stem of Cucurbita: It (Cucurbita maxima of family Cucurbitaceae) is a weak plant climbing with the help of the tendrils. Transverse and longitudinal sections of the stem are taken, stained suitably and studied under the microscope.
In stem anatomical character all species possesses bicollateral vascular bundles, number of vascular bundles (big and small) varies in each species. The morphological and anatomical characteristics of the four species are useful in identification of the plant. Keywords: Diversity, Cucurbitaceae, Anatomy, Taxonomy. 1. INTRODUCTION.
Cucurbita moschata - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant …
Butternut squash is a warm-season annual vegetable vine in the Cucurbitaceae (cucumber) family that trails along the ground or climbs up structures using tendrils. Cucurbita is Latin for gourd and moschata is Latin for musky.
Herbaceous Dicot Stem: Cucurbita | Cross section: Cucurbita
Feb 10, 2014 · Like most herbaceous dicots, Cucurbita is capable of limited amounts of secondary growth. The stem is characterized by distinct ridges and furrows with vascular bundles in two rings: five smaller leaf trace bundles at the ridges and five larger bundles at the furrows.
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Jun 17, 2019 · On the basis of origin and development, meristems can be divided into 3 types – promeristem, primary and secondary meristem. This meristem develops in beginning during embryonic stage. Promeristems are usually found in root apex or shoot apex. They develop primary meristem.
Stems - University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Psilotum stem - longitudinal section through stele showing secondary wall structure in tracheids and fibers Another Psilotum stem in longitudinal view showing the range of cells from fibers at the right to early tracheids at left
Cross section of a Cucurbita stem - prepared slide - UWDC - UW …
Cross section of a Cucurbita stem - prepared slide - UWDC - UW-Madison Libraries. This eudicot has two concentric rings of vascular bundles and a hollow pith. The pith hollow is simply an enlarged intercellular space.
Structure of Dicot Stem | Botany - Biology Discussion
Cucurbita stem has wavy margin, thus there are distinct ridges and furrows. Vascular bundles are arranged in two rings, one ring of smaller bundles against the ridges and one ring of larger bundles against the furrows.