Coscoroba swan - Wikipedia
The coscoroba swan is a year-round resident of central Argentina and along the Uruguay-southern Brazil coast. It also breeds but does not winter from southern Chile and Argentina south to Tierra del Fuego and occasionally to the Falkland Islands.
Coscoroba Swan - eBird
A distinctive white swan with a bright, rather ducklike bill. The black wingtips are usually concealed when swimming. Most likely to be confused with white domestic waterfowl.
Coscoroba - Swan Specialist Group
The Coscoroba Swan is native to South America, seeming to prefer lowland and coastal areas, but may be found at lakes and pools up to 1000 m. Its range overlaps that of the Black-necked Swan, but with a slightly more southerly and patchy distribution, ranging from Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland Islands in the south, north through Chile ...
Coscoroba swan - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
The coscoroba swan (Coscoroba coscoroba) is a species of waterfowl endemic to southern South America. It is the smallest of the birds called “ swans ”, but still a large species of waterfowl. It belongs to the subfamily Anserinae in the family of ducks, swans, and geese, Anatidae .
Coscoroba Swan - San Francisco Zoo & Gardens
Coscoroba swans are interesting from an evolutionary standpoint as they look more like a goose than a swan and reside in their own genus. Scientists are studying to see if they might be the evolutionary link between whistling ducks, swans and geese.
Coscoroba Swans (Coscoroba coscoroba) Information - Earth Life
Jul 13, 2023 · The Coscoroba Swans (Coscoroba coscoroba) is the smallest species of swan. It occurs naturally in South America, where it inhabits well-vegetated swamps and lagoons. It has no recognized subspecies (monotypic). Its name was derived from its …
The smallest species of swan, the Coscoroba Swan is a white bird with stricking coral-red legs and beak. They have six black primary feathers that appear as black tips on the end of their wings. Breast feathers appear centrally parted. The bird has a red beak, legs and feet. Eyes are yellowish to reddish-orange.
Coscoroba Swan | Abilene Zoo Animals
The Coscoroba Swan is a spectacular waterfowl revered for its eccentric yet elegant appearance. It boasts an immaculate white plumage and a red beak that starkly contrast with the typical darker waters it dwells in.
Coscoroba Swan – Profile | Traits | Threats | Call | Diet - BirdBaron
Mar 28, 2021 · The coscoroba swan is the smallest species of swan. Loud, trumpet-like sounds are produced by particular buildings of their throat. Coscoroba swans feed by dabbling or grazing on the floor of the water for crops and algae.
Coscoroba Swan - Zoo Guide
The Coscoroba Swan (Coscoroba coscoroba) is a unique waterfowl, the smallest of the swans yet distinct in its appearance and behavior. Its white plumage, contrasting with its bright red beak and legs, makes it easily distinguishable.