Chess Notation - The Language of the Game - Chess.com
Feb 14, 2019 · Please contact Chess.com Support for those things. But I do love thank you notes and personal messages! Thank you!] Yes, I am the guy who started Chess.com (along with …
Know Your Chess Symbols
Jun 23, 2017 · These symbols allow you to condense sentences of analysis into only a few characters, and thus are extremely useful and efficient "chess shorthand." In opening books, …
Chess Definitions & Analysis Icons - Chess.com
Oct 9, 2023 · Well, in my last post when I talked about the Queen's Gambit, I said tempo a lot, so what if you don't know what it means? Tempo in chess is when you lose or gain lead in …
Chess Notation & Algebraic Notation - Chess.com
Some moves in chess cannot be written in algebraic notation using the normal method described above. Captures, castling , check , checkmate and the result of the game all have special …
Chess Pieces Names, Moves & Values - Chess.com
The king is the most important chess piece. Remember, the goal of a game of chess is to checkmate the king! When a game starts, each side has one king. White's king is located on …
How to Use Chess Notation: A Guide for Beginners
Nov 6, 2024 · Chess Piece Abbreviations. Each piece is represented by a letter. Here are the symbols commonly used in chess notation: King: K; Queen: Q; Rook: R; Bishop: B; Knight: N; …
Need help figuring out what these chess symbols mean!
Jul 21, 2009 · Here are the main chess annotation symbols: +- white is winning-+ black is winning +/- advantage white-/+ advantage black +/= slight advantage white =/+ slight advantage black …
Chess Annotation Symbols
Jan 3, 2024 · The chess annotation symbols were originally devised by the popular chess periodical Chess Informant. It was published in many languages and the symbols were used to …
New Analysis icons - Chess Forums - Chess.com
I recently noticed green ticks (usually a blue tick = excellent) and thumbs up icons in the post-game analysis.
Is there a way to add signs while playing a game? - Chess Forums
Apr 11, 2023 · I've seen chess symbols/signs such as !! for an excellent move and ?! for a questionable move, but is there a way to add those signs during a match against a bot or in a …