I used a Venable 3120 frequency analyzer with “Bode boxes” and made some modifications. Typically, the Bode boxes are set up to inject an isolated signal between V1 and V2, and to connect the V1 and V2 signals and ground from the converter under test to the V1 and V2 and ground inputs of the frequency
This application note shows how the Power Supply Rejection Ratio, or PSRR of a linear voltage regulator (TIP120) can be measured using the Bode 100 and additional accessories. The same techniques can be used to measure switching regulators as well.
Advanced Power Measurement and Analysis - Tektronix
Control Loop Response (Bode) plots the frequency and phase response of a closed loop circuit, and automatically calculates the gain and the phase margins. Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) analyzes the ripple rejection capability of a DC-DC converter.
How to Measure the Power Supply Rejection Ratio for the ... - Analog
Sep 10, 2018 · The power-supply rejection ratio (PSRR) describes the ability of an amplifier to maintain its output voltage as its DC power-supply voltage is varied. The ratio can be expressed as follows: PSRR = (change in V IN )/(change in V OUT ).
A Frequency Response Analyzer, or FRA, is used to measure the Control Loop Response, popularly known as Bode plot, and the Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR); two key metrics of power supply performance.
This application report shows how to measure the critical points of a bode plot with only an audio generator (or simple signal generator) and an oscilloscope. The method is explained in an easy to follow step-by-step manner so that a power supply designer can start performing these measurements in a short amount of time.
In this application note the results of the non-invasive stability measurement are verified by comparing them with the "classical" Bode plot loop gain measurements. Additionally, the influence of the output capacitor ESR2 on the phase margin is investigated.
This application note shows how the Power Supply Rejection Ratio, or PSRR, of a linear voltage regulator (LM317) can be measured using the Picotest J2120A Line Injector and the OMICRON Lab Bode 100. The same techniques can be used to measure switching regulators as well.
Power supply rejection ratio measurements (PSRR)
Apr 30, 2019 · Easily and quickly analyze low frequency response on your oscilloscope with the R&S®RTx-K36 frequency response analysis (Bode plot) option. Characterize the frequency response of a variety of electronics, including passive filters and amplifier circuits.
Five Things Every Engineer Should Know About Bode Plots
Dealing with Line Injection Issues Here is information on the Power Supply Rejection Ratio (‘PSRR’) measurement setup using the J2120A line injector. Depending on…