Arcing — Logos Community
Arcing is propositional diagramming, so not sentence diagramming proper. But usually on here when people talk about "sentence diagramming" we're just referring to diagrams that involve words that help us via visual representation to make sense of the text.
SUGGESTION: meets requirements of several requests re: Arcing, …
This doesn't surprise me in that arcing emphasizes particular relationships that differ from bracketing or phrasing as BibleArc defines them. (BibleArc info given below double line). However, the growth in their product emphasizes the degree to which Logos provides us with someone else's analysis to use rather than providing the tools to do our ...
Arcing improvements — Logos Community
Am I the only one that finds it difficult to use the diagramming tool for Arcing? I picked up Biblearc's system almost immediately and frequently complete an arc of a given passage in 5-10 minutes, but after hours of frustration, I can't even get the first steps sorted in Logos (putting the text in a single-column resizable table, with each proposition clearly separated, making …
Bible Arc — Logos Community
I recently heard about this method through a John Piper Youtube video below and he highly recommends it. I went to www.biblearc.com and though it does seem to take some time to get the hang of it, it really does seem quite helpful, at least to me.There are about 44 videos that walk you through how to use the system.
Add arcing tools to Canvas — Logos Community
Add arcing tools to Canvas. Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,799.
New Feature: Propositional Outlines — Logos Community
Both show larger relations between propositional units (arcing through larger arcs; Propositional Outlines through the indentation hierarchy) I'd say arcing goes further in adding higher-level relationships: the Propositional Outlines mainly relate individual propositions (though again the indentation shows one kind of larger relationship, the ...
Documents - Logos Community
Documents Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, General Updated for Logos 9+ Logos provides several document types to assist/record your research and study, and prepare sermons or material for study groups. This wiki page will describe the menu and provide a brief description for each of these types. Links to Logos Support…
Discourse Analysis — Logos Community
The arcing and bracketing features of Biblearc are indispensable to me. 0. Chris Taylor Member Posts: 5 ...
Systematic Study Plan — Logos Community
I am putting together what I envision will be a five to seven year systematic study plan using Logos software, traditional text (paper), and internet resources. I am doing this for my own personal studies to help me in my Christian growth and ministry. Some of the areas of my studies will include but not limited to:
Additional Actions for importing verses into Microsoft Word
I upgraded to Logos 7 today, and now the feature that allowed me to import Bible passages from Microsoft Word no longer works.