10199 Chariklo - Wikipedia
10199 Chariklo / ˈkærəkloʊ / is the largest confirmed centaur, a class of minor planet in the outer Solar System. It orbits the Sun between Saturn and Uranus, grazing the orbit of Uranus.
Welcome To Chariklo, A Ringed World In The Solar System Just ... - Forbes
About 146 miles/235 km in diameter—so about half as long as the Grand Canyon and twice as wide as the English Channel—Chariklo is a Centaur, an asteroid that orbits the Sun from way out beyond...
10199 Chariklo - Science@NASA
Nov 3, 2024 · Chariklo, sometimes described as a sea nymph, sometimes as a female centaur, was the wife of Chiron in Greek mythology. 10199 Chariklo was found on Feb. 15, 1997 by the Spacewatch team at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory.
Centaur Charliko 10199 Light Curve - ESA/Webb
Oct 18, 2022 · This graphic shows the reflectance spectrum of the double-ringed centaur 10199 Chariklo, captured by Webb’s Near-Infrared Spectrograph on 31 October 2022. This spectrum shows clear evidence for crystalline water ice on Chariklo’s surface.
Centaur Charliko 10199 Light Curve | ESA/Webb
In an observational feat of high precision, scientists used a new technique with the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope to capture the shadows of starlight cast by the thin rings of Chariklo.
Chariklo - The Solar System Wiki
Chariklo, official designation 10199 Chariklo is the largest confirmed centaur. It orbits the Sun between Saturn and Uranus, grazing the orbit of Uranus. The orbit of Chariklo has comparably greater stability than other centaurs, like Nessus, Chiron, …
Asteroid Chariklo - Space Reference
Chariklo orbits the sun every 22,900 days (62.70 years), coming as close as 13.14 AU and reaching as far as 18.44 AU from the sun. Chariklo is about 302.0 kilometers in diameter, making it one of the largest objects, comparable in size to Portugal.
A ring system detected around the Centaur (10199) Chariklo
Mar 26, 2014 · Here we report observations of a multichord stellar occultation that revealed the presence of a ring system around (10199) Chariklo, which is a Centaur—that is, one of a class of small objects...
10199 Chariklo - markandrewholmes.com
10199 Chariklo is one of the Centaur class of outer-system asteroids, whose orbits cross the orbits of the gas giants; Chariklo's is between Saturn and Uranus. It has an estimated diameter of 300 kilometers, making it one of the largest Centaurs, and period (year) of 62 years, 255 days.
Centaur 10199 Chariklo (NIRCam Occultation Light Curve)
Oct 18, 2022 · The graph shows the sharp dips in apparent brightness of the star over time as the rings of Chariklo (the largest-known Centaur) passed in front of it on October 18, 2022. Each dip on the graph corresponds to the shadows of two rings around Chariklo, which are ~4 miles (6-7 kilometers) and ~2 miles (2-4 kilometers) wide, and separated by a gap ...