Manfaatkan promo Transmart Full Day Sale minggu ini untuk mendapatkan penawaran terbaik berbagai kebutuhan rumah tangga lain, ...
Lebaran di Jepang unik dan sederhana, berbeda dengan Indonesia yang meriah, mari kita telusuri tradisi tersebut.
NEW YORK (AP) — President Donald Trump talks of big change in his second term of office. But he’s not forgetting small change, either. Trump ordered the Treasury Department to stop making ...
yang dapat Anda kirimkan kepada orang-orang terkasih sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur dan semangat menyambut ibadah puasa. Semoga dengan kata-kata ini, kita dapat saling mengingatkan dan mempererat tali ...
Dari kapasitas yang ideal hingga sistem pengaturan tali yang nyaman, berikut adalah rekomendasi tujuh tas selempang terbaik untuk menemani pendakianmu di 2025, di kisaran Rp100 ribuan hingga Rp200 ...
Nigeria’s movement for disability rights reached a significant milestone with the official unveiling of The Ability Life Initiative (TALI), a leading advocacy group, at a high-profile event held ...
Tiffany wrote articles on travel, food, and pop culture for TripZilla. As she plans her next adventure, she enjoys writing about the coolest places to stay around the world and where to find them.
Tali Arbel is a publishing editor on the Speed & Trending desk based in New York. She previously worked for the Associated Press for over a decade, as a desk editor and a technology reporter.