Fruit fly mutants that have severe sleep deficits perform better at olfactory learning and memory tasks, according to a new study. The paradox of enhanced memory despite sleep loss could be explained ...
The king of fruits has arrived! For many, one bite of the sweet, tangy mango brings back memories of hands sticky with pulp, and a rich aroma filling the air during the summer season. Mangoes, in ...
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KJCT) - Fire crews were called to another agricultural burn that got out of control the night of March 10th. The burn happened in the area of 32 ½ Road and C 1/2 Road.
Oakland's mayoral race heated up during the first and only debate between leading candidates former Congresswoman Barbara Lee and former Councilmember Loren Taylor. The two candidates discussed ...
While memory loss remains the most recognised dementia symptom, experts also point to another early warning sign: problems with money. Financial difficulties often comes before the cognitive ...
Memory loss is the most widely known sign of dementia, but other changes might be warning signs. Chief among them are financial problems. Changes in the brain can bring about money problems, like ...
It is aimed at stopping terrorism and radicalisation, but devastating attacks and high-profile reviews have meant Prevent has been under scrutiny since it started. The government programme has ...
Dementia is a collective term for various conditions resulting in progressive brain deterioration and memory loss, with Alzheimer's disease being the most prevalent. Alzheimer's typically ...
Learning and memory refers to the processes of acquiring, retaining and retrieving information in the central nervous system. It consists of forming stable long-term memories that include ...
HOLYOKE, Mass. (WWLP) – In honor of women’s history month, the Greater Holyoke YMCA hosted a panel discussion with women leaders who are positively impacting the community. This event ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Department of Homeland Security said Friday that it is ending the collective bargaining agreement with the tens of thousands of frontline employees at the Transportation ...