It's possible, however, that you're missing out on the number one alternative accompaniment for fries, which is malt vinegar. Malt vinegar is fermented from barley, which is also used in brewing beer.
If you’ve ever visited an Irish pub or a fish â€˜n’ chips joint, chances are you’ve seen a bottle of malt vinegar sitting on ...
French fries are one of the most popular side dishes around the world, but they often have a bad reputation because of their calorie content and preparation method. However, a new ...
Cook the French fries according to packet instructions ... In a small bowl, stir the vinegar, salt and caster sugar together until dissolved. Add the vegetables, stir to coat in the pickling ...
"We do 4-ounce pieces of cod that comes with fries, coleslaw, lemon wedge, tartar sauce and ketchup. Malt vinegar is on the table, that's also quite popular with fish and chips. We also serve ...